Comic Colouring Book
This comic book follows the story of DIRTT Partner Paula on her journey to combat conventional construction, and replace it with an environmentally sustainable, future-friendly solution. Throughout it, we meet a variety of characters who represent different players in the modular construction industry, and see how DIRTT Partner Paula convinces them to “build better”.   
What better way to start a saturday morning event than a pajama parade? The pajamas that are given out continue to follow the comic theme, taking the most key panels from the colouring book and repeating them in a pattern that reinforces the visual concept. The company name and tagline are placed throughout the pattern to tie the event back to the company.
Event Collateral
The event collateral included a multitude of things, from hashtag signs to flags, nametags to the branded sharpies that write on them, compostable cups to wine labels, and everything inbetween. The comic theme was placed throughout the event, on anything that could be branded. We wanted to make everything cohesive, without being overbearing, which is why some things were designed to be softer and more subtle than others. Even the halftoning on the ice cream cup (lower right) was done as a silent nod towards the theme, while letting the logo above it shine.
Swag + Giveaways
Our swag items and giveaways also followed the visual theme. The cleaning cloths featured the comic print on the opposite side (not shown). We had CD’s available for guests, from the band that was playing during the event (the antagonists from the comic story make up the members of the band on the front cover). Our high end giveaways for men and women were either halftone silk ties, or speech bubble charms (and bracelets). Even the waterbottles were created with the comic print, that can be coloured in with permanent markers, and the individuals name could be written on the blank speech bubble to claim ownership. Overall, we wanted the guests and attendees to feel like every detail was considered, from the moment they arrived at the hotel and received their branded key cards, to their parting gifts.
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